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Retargeting & Remarketing

Digital Mob offers extensive opportunities to remarket and retarget to your consumers. These campaigns improve the efficiency and performance of overall advertising efforts by reengaging with audiences that have already seen an ad or visited your website or social profile.

Digital Mob uses cookies or other tracking technologies, which identify users and show them targeted ads as they browse the web. We deploy these types of campaigns for the majority of our customers because they make a significant business impact.


of marketers use retargeting in their Facebook & Instagram advertising


more ad engagement vs. campaigns with no retargeting


More likely to convert

Some of Digital Mob's Services

Digital Mob offers advertising remarketing and retargeting services, which can help businesses optimize their digital marketing campaigns. These services typically include tools for targeting ads, as well as analytics and reporting to help businesses understand the effectiveness of their campaigns.


Remarketing is the practice of showing ads to users who have visited a business's website but have not completed a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. The goal of remarketing is to bring users back to the website and encourage them to complete the desired action. Remarketing is a core activity in optimizing the efficiency of performance marketing campaigns.


Retargeting is similar to remarketing, but it focuses on showing ads to users who have completed a desired action on the website, such as making a purchase. The goal of retargeting is to encourage users to continue engaging with the brand and make additional purchases.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is retargeting?

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a digital marketing strategy that involves displaying ads to users who have previously interacted with your website, app, or online content. It aims to re-engage these users and encourage them to take a desired action, such as making a purchase.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting works by using cookies or other tracking methods to identify users who have visited your website. Once identified, these users are shown targeted ads as they browse other websites or social media platforms, reminding them of your products or services.

Why should I use remarketing in my campaigns?

Remarketing ads have a much higher click-thru-rate than other ads. Consumers who have already been exposed to your brand engage at a higher rate and lead to more conversion activity.

What is the difference between retargeting and remarketing?

While the terms are often used interchangeably, some platforms distinguish between them. Retargeting typically refers to the practice of using ads to bring visitors back to an eCommerce site, while remarketing may involve re-engaging users through email or other channels.

What are the benefits of using retargeting in marketing?

Retargeting can increase brand recall, boost conversion rates, and enhance overall marketing ROI. By reminding users of their interest, it helps maintain a connection with potential customers throughout their buying journey.

How are retargeting campaigns setup?

Start by defining your retargeting goals and identifying the desired audience segments. Implement tracking pixels on your website, create compelling ad creatives, and use a retargeting platform or advertising network to manage and launch your campaign.

What platforms support retargeting campaigns?

Most major online advertising platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn, offer retargeting options. Additionally, there are specialized retargeting platforms and services that provide more advanced features.

How can I avoid making retargeting ads intrusive or annoying to users?

Limit the frequency of retargeting ads to avoid overwhelming users. Tailor your messaging to be helpful and relevant, and consider incorporating discounts or exclusive offers to incentivize users to return.

Can retargeting be used for B2B marketing?

Yes, retargeting is effective in B2B marketing. It can be used to re-engage businesses that have shown interest in your products or services, such as visiting your website or downloading resources.

Are there privacy considerations in retargeting?

Yes, privacy is crucial in retargeting. Adhere to privacy regulations, provide clear information about data usage in your privacy policy, and obtain user consent for tracking and targeting activities. Regularly review and update practices to align with evolving privacy standards.

Increase Leads, Conversions and Revenue with Digital Mob Targeted Ad Campaigns

Digital Mob specializes in delivering actionable digital marketing strategies that are designed to propel your business to new heights. See what we've achieved for some of our clients:

Industry: Healthcare

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Industry: Legal

Services: SEO, PPC, Social media, Web design

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I am ecstatic with all of the work that you guys have done.

Brent Boecking

CEO, Pro-Care Medical Center

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Chase Headley

Board Member, West End Association/1001 Wine and Spirits

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Mike Backlund

Proprietor, HIDE Bar

We have experienced all-around outstanding professional work from SEO dogs. Thanks to their veteran team for supporting us with all of our SEO and marketing needs.

Mohammed Abdalla

CEO, Good Faith Energy

Working with SEO Dogs has been a wonderful experience. They know what they are doing and give us great ideas for optimizing our site.

Sara Fitzsimmons

Marketing Manager, eCore Software

SEO Dogs is the first company we worked with who actually sent us many customers. We are a lawn maintenance service in Plano and Carrollton and North Dallas and I can\'t hire enough people to do the work they are sending. We love the work you do and recommend these good people to anyone who wants to grow a business. Contact me if you want more info about their work.

Marcos Yepez

Owner, Yepez Lawn Service

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Robin Hebert

Owner, Plumbing Dynamics

We have been blown away by the huge influx of new clients coming in from online searches.

Karel Crossman

Office Manager, Premier Health Chiropractic

Thanks for all your hard work, it looks INCREDIBLE!!

Jamie R.

Southwest Construction Services

I own a small business, so spending money on an SEO firm is a big deal to me. So many companies claim they can move you up in the Google search rankings, but obviously only a few can deliver. SEO Dogs delivered for me!

Wendy Fisher

CEO, Good Day Pet Sitters

I have been using SEO Dogs for five years and they have helped my business grow significantly.

Tony Street

Chef & Co-Owner, Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse

SEO Dogs is AMAZING!! They helped us out with getting our Website up and running and now not only do we have a beautiful Website, but we are amazed how quick our SEO grew in such a short time! Stay Kalm is much better for having SEO Dogs in our corner!!!!

Juan Carrasco

CEO, Stay Kalm Insurance

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